Thursday, 26 January 2017

5 things to keep your house a home

Products to save during building work in your house

You might already have seen our article on dealing with building mess. We are now going to  look at a few products that will save you a headache. (And a bad cough)

Whether you're painting or having a wall knocked down these could just be the answer.

Friday, 20 January 2017

A home improvement you never thought of

Give your home a bit of Personality

When you think of new things to improve your home, I doubt doors even get mentioned. Why not?

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

ONE Thing That Will Save Almost ALL Homeowners Money pt.2

Cavity Wall Insulation is saving home owners hundreds...

Welcome to Part 2 of the saving money in your home. If you haven't read Part One, take a look.